Bianor Holding Newsroom
Here you can find up-to-date information on the presentation of the shares of Bianor Holding Plc, as well as all notifications sent by the company to the public. Also, you can read some of the media publications about the company.
Internal information
Access to all documents sent to the BSE and the Financial Supervisory Service related to the disclosure of internal information by the company.
In the media
Here you can find links to some of the media publications related to Bianor Holding Plc.
If you want to be sure that you receive all the news related to Bianor Holding Plc on time, please fill out the form.
Internal information
Access to all documents sent to the BSE and the Financial Supervisory Service related to the disclosure of internal information by the company.
In the media
Here you can find links to some of the media publications related to Bianor Holding Plc.
If you want to be sure that you receive all the news related to Bianor Holding Plc on time, please fill out the form.